Unicorn engine tutorial 練習 - part 1

Reversing Unicorn engine


最近突然想玩玩Unicorn engine,然後剛好找到這篇教學文章Unicorn Engine tutorial,就來玩玩喽~

稍微介紹一下,unicorn engine主要是一個支援多種架構的模擬器,可以拿來玩一些reversing的東西,例如:


首先當然就是安裝喽: pip install unicorn


from __future__ import print_function
from unicorn import *
from unicorn.x86_const import *

# code to be emulated
X86_CODE32 = b"\x41\x4a" # INC ecx; DEC edx

# memory address where emulation starts
ADDRESS = 0x1000000

print("Emulate i386 code")
    # Initialize emulator in X86-32bit mode
    mu = Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32)

    # map 2MB memory for this emulation
    mu.mem_map(ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024)

    # write machine code to be emulated to memory
    mu.mem_write(ADDRESS, X86_CODE32)

    # initialize machine registers
    mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_ECX, 0x1234)
    mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_EDX, 0x7890)

    # emulate code in infinite time & unlimited instructions
    mu.emu_start(ADDRESS, ADDRESS + len(X86_CODE32))

    # now print out some registers
    print("Emulation done. Below is the CPU context")

    r_ecx = mu.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_ECX)
    r_edx = mu.reg_read(UC_X86_REG_EDX)
    print(">>> ECX = 0x%x" %r_ecx)
    print(">>> EDX = 0x%x" %r_edx)

except UcError as e:
    print("ERROR: %s" % e)


$ python test1.py
Emulate i386 code
Emulation done. Below is the CPU context
>>> ECX = 0x1235
>>> EDX = 0x788f


  1. 定義unicorn的架構Uc(UC_ARCH_X86, UC_MODE_32),定義為x86-32的架構。
  2. 定義memory的起始位址與大小mu.mem_map(ADDRESS, 2 * 1024 * 1024),從0x1000000開始分配2MB的記憶體。
  3. 初始化ecx, edx的初始值,mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_ECX, 0x1234)mu.reg_write(UC_X86_REG_EDX, 0x7890),分別定義ecx = 0x1234, edx = 0x7890。
  4. 將一個功能是INC ecx; DEC edx的shell code放進memory中 mu.mem_write(ADDRESS, X86_CODE32)
  5. 啟動模擬器emu_start,這函數官方提到下面4個參數,而在這個例子mu.emu_start(ADDRESS, ADDRESS + len(X86_CODE32)),所代表的是模擬的記憶體位址是0x1000000,當執行到X86_CODE32的記憶體位址後結束,而因為沒設定模擬時間與指令數,所以是無限:
    • 模擬的記憶體位址
    • 模擬停止的記憶體位址
    • 模擬的時間
    • 模擬的指令數
  6. 讀取ecx, edx的值

to be continued~